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English IV

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jakemiller(19) pic

Development of H. pylori Vaccine Antigens

In the long-term development of H. pylori Vaccine Antigens Development, we have accumulated numerous development experiences and formed our unique competitive advantages.

Comprehensive development service

Ace Infectious provides systematic H. pylori vaccine antigen development services, including discovery, selection, optimization, preparation, and custom synthesis of H. pylori vaccine antigens. In addition, we have relevant basic services, such as quality testing services, immunogenicity testing services, and safety testing services.

Professional awareness

Owing to the complex host response to the pathogen, the successful development of H. pylori vaccines requires an understanding of the immune mechanisms during natural infection by H. pylori and the factors that allow the persistence of H. pylori. This means that the immunogenicity and biochemical properties of H. pylori vaccine antigens are of great importance for vaccine development. And Ace Infectious focuses on these aspects of H. pylori vaccine antigens.

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