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MacMillanwu(97) pic

Which is tied with the Saints for the top defense in the Madden NFL 24

Which is tied with the Saints for the top defense in the Madden 24 coins. What makes their defense good to excellent is their errors. They've forced 29 turnovers including 20 interceptions, scoring on six of those.

Although this is an offensive league, the Bears are most likely the only defense that could compete with the Saints in the playoffs and that gives them a chance.

The worst thing that can happen is happening to the Cowboys right now.

They are winning. What's wrong with that? Since Jason Garrett might keep his job if the team wins their way to the NFC East, and Garrett should not get his job back. I've previously written about this.

The offense is bland. The offense has improved with inclusion of Amari Cooper but it's nothing different. It's Amari Cooper playing. Thursday was a fantastic example.

The touchdown that first came off was a small catch and a long run. The second one was a great catch in triple coverage and Cooper was able to get free and was able to get it home. He's been worth the first-round draft pick so far, and people like me who claimed he wasn't have to take their word for it. While Cooper has made the offense more efficient and has improved the team's overall performance, I'm not sure Cooper has changed Dak Prescott any better.

What Cooper has done is open the run game bit. A patchwork Cowboys offensive line was able to run well yesterday. It was once their recipe for success and they're now returning to it. However, they only have one recipe for success. This isn't a recipe that will ensure they win in the long term, though.

The best thing the Cowboys have going for them is their defense. It's fast. It's physically demanding, and madden nfl 24 coins they can easily thwart passers. It's the defense that offers them a chance to win each and every week. I love watching this defense play. They are playing the Saints this upcoming Thursday, so they will get an extremely tough test. It will be possible to judge them more clearly after that game.

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