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English IV

Amyashcraft's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Amyashcraft's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No, because simply put, I think it would cause a lot of trouble. We don't want no drama, no no no no drama. Although I am a bit indifferent on this because unlike a lot of people, I don't have family over there. I'm sure people want their family back.

1 point

I say no because they could be talking about private thangs and it probably won't be about blowing things up. Sometimes I'm like "I'm going to blow you up because I disagree with you" but I don't really mean it. Besides, I do not have the materials to execute such a thing. But no, leave da peeps alone.

1 point

Yes, because sometimes it says "HEY, I DON'T LIKE TO WEAR CLOTHES BECAUSE I'M A SLUT." although sometimes it says "I DON'T HAVE ANY CLOTHES ON BECAUSE I CANNOT AFFORD THEM." I usually see hobos with the most clothes on though. IRONYYYY.

1 point

To some extent. people are crazy. you don't know if people are building bombs and growing marijuana in these buildings disguised as churches. Or if they have a sweatshop in the back with little homeless kids working for 10 cents an hour. You know how many hours they'd have to work to buy a happy meal? a lot of hours, mister. but I don't think government should control religion or anything.

1 point

THEN WHY DID YOU PUT YES, WONG. but they should be banned. BECAUSE I SAID SO. you wouldn't want people putting stuff on your piercings for fun. I know I would.

1 point

Let the countries do what they want. WE DO WHAT WE WANT. WUUUUTTTTTTTT.

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