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English IV

Cecilia's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cecilia's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

yes the government should monito suspicious individuals becuase in that cuase people who are trying to do something to the country can be seen and also know

1 point

i think is a yes becuase the kind of cloth you put on will determin what kind of home you from like a richhome or poor home and will also determin your personlity

1 point

i strongly think that facial piercings should be banned from school the reason why am saying this is because if everybody have a facial piercings people will think bad about the school and and aslo facial piercings can cause u a lot of damages to your skin becuase it will have a lot holes in your skin

1 point

i think is better to loved then feared because love is the most important thing in this world without love noting can be possible because if we dont love each other and we hate ourself the country will not suceed because not body want to talk to each otherperson even it is written in the bible that love each other that is why we need to be loved

1 point

i think that the government should provide free college tuition for all citizen if the government provide the free college tuition it will make everybody have the chance to go to collage and also there will be alot of jobs in the economic imagine if everybody goes go to college there will not be homeless people in the communtiy and and also the econme will make alot of money at of this because everybody would be able to pay their texes and the government will invest alot in this if everybody goes to college

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