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English IV

Chrisfred's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Chrisfred's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I think that the clothes they wear does tell you some things about the person, but you can't judge or make assumptions about people on what they're wearing.

1 point

I don't think they should be banned from school because they really aren't that big of a distraction, and they shouldn't be made a distraction. Teachers and the "higher ups" blow it out of proportion, I don't even have facial piercings but I do see it as a distraction when the teachers come into classes and stop what they're doing just to tell them to take their piercings out of their faces.

1 point

I think yes because it would give people that would like to be able to go to college the chance. This would overall change the way people look at the government and it would increase the knowledge of people and their IQ's.

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