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English IV

Justbeeb's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Justbeeb's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No, withdrawing forces from iraq would lead to more soldiers being back in the US, which means the unemployment rate would rise causing the economy to downfall more into a depression then a recession.

1 point

yes it should be allowed because all though privacy is a big deal it's not priority like national security. but it shouldn't be like, "oh he has a beard and his skin is brown lets go tap his phones" it should be greatly investigated and a warrant would be needed, that isn't easily obtained.

1 point

no because majority of the population just wears certain styles simply because its in style, or because somebody else is wearing it, and they are just lieing to everybody else with the clothes they were. this doesnt work in every case because there are those select few who do dress to express themselves, but in most cases your clothing doesn't reflect who you are as a person.

1 point


2 points

Yes i think they should be banned, cause facial piercings are the devil!

1 point

Yes developed countries should force developing countries to protect the environment, because in the end the main focus is, is that it helps all of us, all round, even if some people are blind to the fact that it does help in the end, the developed countries are more experienced and should also be respected, and if they're taking time off of their affairs to help out another country, that shows how caring they are.

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