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English IV

Txasgirl's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Txasgirl's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, I think that someones clothing does tell something about them. It may not tell everything but it gives away what type of personality they have.

1 point

No, the government should not have control over the churches because that is a persons individual opinon on everything and if the government had control of the churches then they would be telling everyone what to belive and how to belive it, which is very wrong.

1 point

No, because it is an idividual expression of a person which should not be stiffled by any buisness, school, or any other place.

1 point

They should protect the environment because it's in horrible condition already and countries adding on to the pollution won't help and could cause horrible things to happen to the planet.

1 point

I think it is better to be loved because if you're loved then more people would want to be around you and more people would like you. Like, if you're a loved leader then you would probably rule longer than if you were feared because no one would want to overrule you.

1 point

I think the government should provide free colege tuition for all citizens because no one can get a job without a college education and it's not fair that people who can't afford college but are smart enough for it don't get to go.

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