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Enock Mwepu is one of the brightest youngsters in FIFA 23

A brand new Silver Stars card will also be announced, so you should get it done and removed from the scene so that you don't need to worry about it for the rest part of the week.Aside from this, it's likely to be a quiet day for the launch of new FIFA 23 Coins content, so get all the objectives completed and then qualify for FUT Champions if you're planning to participate!

Weekend League starts at the normal time of 3am ET or 8am BST and will continue until Monday, 17 October at 3am ET/ 8am BST Make sure you're eligible in case you're interested in participating.

Road toward the Knockouts will be ending this year, as the Rulebreakers promotion being leaked to take over around the time of 1pm ET / 6pm BST.Rulebreakers Cards will be replaced by RTTK ones in packs, with participants from the new event joining via Objectives and SBC too.If you've earned a spot in the Weekend League then your day will be filled with it.

You should aim to earn 51 points because the rewards increase at this point upward.Other then that, player objectives will revolve around where you'll spend your time competing in Squad Battles for better rewards for Sunday.

Teams Battle benefits will be made available at 3am ET / 8am BST This could be very valuable for those who have been playing these games to fulfill player objectives.Again it's yet another game day for Weekend League and player objectives as well as Division Rivals.

A Rulebreakers Mini release could also drop at 1pm ET/ 6pm BST and add a few players to packs, with the possibility that a third player can be found via objectives.

Enock Mwepu is one of the brightest youngsters in buy FIFA 23 Coins, and the promising young African footballer is currently on the roster of Brighton & Hove Albion. There was a sad moment early in the morning when it was announced that he would retire from football at the age of 24.
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