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English IV

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Devon456(105) pic

Here are my suggestions for changes DAD

Here are my suggestions for changes:

Blocking: Get rid of directional it. if you initiate blocking while an enemy is right in front of it Dark And Darker Gold, Your character automatically blocks so as to be able to block the attack. this may sound as if you're trying to dumb down initially however, it will later be of use later on by the mechanics to make it simpler.

Right-clicking with the melee weapon or staff at hand. This will result in the block for a brief time, also known as parry. the length of the block would be varied based on how easy it is to theoretically block using that weapon, for example, a dagger probably has a small window , while a spear or staff will have a larger window.

A successful parry will always result in a brief duration where the enemy can't follow up with a second attack. This has already happens but its important to have the base established.

It is always possible to attack immediately after a successful parry. pretty obvious.

Parrying disrupts the windup as well as the first frames of your attack animation , but has a shorter duration when you do. This lets players try and cause enemies to be batted into parrying, creating a window in which you can land an effective hit. It also allows someone to penalize those who just try to smash LB and get a victory because having good equipment.

Holding shift up raises your shield in defense as part of moving slow. This allows you to use your shield to deflect projectile attacks the same as you are currently able to do, meaning that rangers will be able to shoot at it however, preventing melee attacks with your shield is now just as simple as parrying cheap Dark And Darker Gold.


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