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PhyllisHeny(19) pic

In the case of Diablo 2 Resurrected

In the case of Diablo 2 Resurrected, there's the usage of legendary crests (which can be purchased or earned) in order to increase the probability of a five-star gem showing up in the dungeons of the D2R Items endgame. While it's not completely traditional in its presentation (most gachas involve "rolling" using a time-limited banner), players are still engaging with the kind of randomness in the same way. In many ways in many ways, the Diablo franchise has been working towards these types of mechanics from its beginning like Maddy Myers wrote a few weeks back.

Diablo 2 Resurrected also, in clear terms, draws directly from an "feeding" gameplay mechanic Japanese, Korean, and Chinese mobile games have been utilizing for more than 10 years. "Feeding" entails raising the stats, attributes or the rarity of an item by making duplicates of a drop. The duplicates are then fed to an item with similar rarity, which increases the overall stats for the item. Generally, five copies are required as industry standard to max out a character or item.

My first introduction to "feeding" was through Fate/Grand Order, which was initially made available on Japan in July 2015 and earned a total of 4 billion dollars worldwide in the year 2019. To make a character the best that it can be, I needed to obtain duplicates of each. If a certain banner came along I paid over 300 euros to obtain the 5-star character I had coveted since the beginning of time. However, I did not get the exact copies I required to realize the full potential of this character. With rates for the most valuable 5-star characters now being around 1percent, it's not a surprise that I failed to obtain a duplicate of the character when I was enjoying the game (which I have since uninstalled). As of July 2021, Fate/Grand Order was the seventh highest grossing mobile game all time, and was ranked ahead of cheap D2R Ladder Items Konami's Puzzle and Dragons. The latter is, as I mentioned, is also a gacha game.

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