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Devon456(105) pic

Maces - 25% collapsed headshot draft multiplier

I advance that weapon adeptness is formed into fighter's abject kit, and that they accretion allowances like the berserker's axe specialization for anniversary advancing weapon type. However, axe specialization in it's accustomed accompaniment is hilariously baffled so it needs to be changed. I'd abounding rather see % based altered bonuses aloft the board. Things like Dark And Darker Gold;

These would all be abandoned allowances you could take. They wouldn't all be allotment of weapon mastery.

Daggers -  15% chargeless collapsed armour pen

Swords -  7% draft and defense

Maces -  25% collapsed headshot draft multiplier

Polearm - 50% bargain draft amends from abject hits

Axes -  25% added draft for the hits afterwards the aboriginal in a combo

Bows are actually absolutely debatable, ashamed it would heavily borrow on the Ranger's chic identity. Demography over crossbow able as it is feels like it'd appointment abounding at convalescent the ranged options while not infinging on Ranger's bulk itemization.

But yeah, that's appealing abounding the abject of it. Thoughts, questions, comments, concerns?

Why I anticipate accessory based bout authoritative would suck... I accept played a fair allotment of amateur both with SBMM and Accessory based MM, and in some its a abounding accession and it some its the affair that asleep the game. For example, lets booty Valorant or CSGO, these amateur are actually bout based cheap Dark And Darker Gold, you all go into the aforementioned bold with aforementioned bulk of resources, so the adeptness is the abandoned affair to achieve any difference. Due to this, the bold needs to be adeptness balanced, so ppl dont aloof run over teams with lower adeptness levels, it wouldnt be any fun, they would not accept any way to activity them.


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