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Madden's vast legacy honored by all three Madden 23 covers

Madden 23's artist for the covers speaks on his John Madden tribute covers

When the news broke in the media that Madden 23 cover athlete would be named after the entire gaming series, there was nearly universal praise for the decision. EA presented three distinctive Madden 23 covers earlier this month, each representing different phases of John Madden's long career Mut 23 coins, but we've learned more about the process for developing them.

The Philadelphia-based artist Chuck Styles, a staple of the world of sports art and who collaborated on Topps' Project70. recently spoke to Philly Voice about how these covers came to be. At first, when approached by EA, Styles had to sign an NDA before knowing why they wanted to work with him.

After being told in plain terms they wanted him to do this Madden 23 cover, Styles stated that he "needed something like a 20-minute break prior to when he took the opportunity" because of how taken off the possibility was.

He'd previously planned to design tribute to John Madden, but this opportunity allowed Styles to make a more lasting impression as Styles teamed up with the long-time EA partner design agency Cinco that has worked on branding for other EA titles.

John Madden's vast legacy honored by all three Madden 23 covers

In collaboration, Chuck Styles and design agency Cinco created each of these distinctive Madden 23 covers representing different elements of his legacy buy madden nfl 23 coins. The left side of the image below, a new Gen (PS5 and Xbox Series X|S) Madden 23 Standard Edition cover is adorned with the iconic image of Madden standing over his players on his shoulders when he won the Super Bowl in 1977.


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