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English IV

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nickcooper(12) pic

Molecular Biology Services for TME Research

Relying on the technology platform of the tumor microenvironment center, Alfa Oncology provides a full range of molecular biology services for tumor microenvironment (TME) research to help researchers successfully achieve their research goals.

Introduction of tumor multi-omics services

Tumor is a complex polygenic disease, and it is difficult to explain the entire pathogenesis of tumors with the characteristics of a single gene. To explore the change rules of genes from the perspective of polygenes is a key entry point for the current study of tumor pathogenesis. Tumor molecular biology takes the study of important tumor-related genes as an entry point to reveal the molecular mechanisms and cell signaling pathways of the occurrence and development of malignant tumors, and then proposes new targets and strategies for gene diagnosis and gene therapy, and explores new ways of tumor prevention and treatment.

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