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English IV

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cailynnjohns(49) pic

Probiotic Treatment for Depression Disorder

In conclusion, this research offers evidence that a combination of three probiotics can improve both the mental symptoms and co-morbid gastrointestinal symptoms of patients with major depression. The modulation of the 5-HT system is a key mechanism that drives the beneficial impact of probiotics on both the brain and the gut. These findings open a promising new avenue for the probiotic treatment of depression disorder and other gut-brain axis-related disorders. However, further research involving a larger population is still required to confirm the specific clinical directions for probiotic therapy.

In recent years, researchers have studied the potential mental impact of administering three types of probiotics - Bifidobacterium breveBifidobacterium longum, and Pediococcus acidilactici - to patients with major depression. 
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