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joecohen(5) pic

Synthetic Biology Platform

The goal was to develop a platform that could program comprehensive biosynthesis development in one place, and since then, it has become a reality. The Synthetic Biology Platform is a disruptive technology platform focusing on synthetic biology, which can contribute to the advancement of diverse areas, including but not limited to industrial biotechnology, pharmaceutical, agriculture, and healthcare research.


The Synthetic Biology Platform integrates engineering principles and a broad range of methodologies from various disciplines, such as biology, bioinformatics, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science. It’s designed to perform strain-based chassis engineering as well as biosynthesis development for various molecules, thus gaining insights into disease mechanisms, identifying novel drug targets, and accelerating drug discovery and development.


Combining the very robust technologies of CRISPR, microfluidic, nanotechnology, omics, and bioinformatics, the Synthetic Biology Platform reaches beyond traditional technology applications, providing cutting-edge synthetic and analytical tools, as well as elucidating the biology and chemistry functionalities. Instead of following a narrow, vertical structure, it embraces a platform-based model, and its synthetic biology toolboxes can help researchers accelerate the design and construction of new biological entities or the re-design of natural biological processes and pathways through the iterative Design-Build-Test-Learn (DBTL) cycles when utilizing the Synthetic Biology Platform.

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