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English IV

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AThAPhys's Reward Points: 92

Points When What Where
7 Added Argument Is being transgender okay? Should we support them and the transgender movement?
1 Added Argument Democrats don't vote for black Republicans. Is that sytemic racism?
4 Added Argument If you were to vote today, who would you vote for
1 Added Argument I thought right wingers HATED pedophiles?? No, huh? Trump LOVES the procurer in CHIEF
8 Added Argument Why is Burrito constantly angry?
10 Added Argument If you were to vote today, who would you vote for
1 Added Argument Trump's Mob Links
3 Added Argument Let Me Explain Briefly Why Capitalism Is Such A Bad Idea
1 Added Argument If a group begins attacking your car in traffic, do you run over them?
2 Added Argument Are you boycotting Goya foods' products because the left told you to?
7 Added Argument Let Me Explain Briefly Why Capitalism Is Such A Bad Idea
1 Added Argument To all the anti Christian bigots on this site, ask yourself why you so dislike Christians.
-1 Downvoted Argument When Democrats cannot do math then those that call them out are Racist
-1 Downvoted Argument When Democrats cannot do math then those that call them out are Racist
2 Added Argument If someone is drowning and you refuse to help, are you responsible for his death

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