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English IV

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Facadeon's Reward Points: 508

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument joe was right. The chicken came before the egg.
1 Added Argument Is Islam peaceful?
10 Added Argument Atheist are more peaceful than religious people
-1 Downvoted Argument Atheist are more peaceful than religious people
1 Added Argument A Scientific Debate, No Religious Answers, Please.
5 Created Debate You can have Enemies and Hostiles, but no Allies+Friends?
-1 Downvoted Argument What is the most comfortable method to sleeping?
2 Added Argument We should all draw a Christmas hat on our picture
1 Added Argument Witchcraft: dangerous?
1 Added Argument Witchcraft: dangerous?
1 Added Argument LOL Dogs are better than LOL Cats
1 Added Argument On the topic of reality
-1 Downvoted Argument What is your opinion on Christopher Hitchens?
5 Created Debate Scientology shouldn't be classified as a religion
2 Added Argument What's your favorite game character?
5 Created Debate What's your favorite game character?
1 Added Argument Is it really neccessary to teach evolution in school?
3 Added Argument Should we really respect "others beliefs".
1 Added Argument How do you know that reality exists?
10 Added Argument athiest's what is your reason for living,what is your purpose
-1 Downvoted Argument Prayer has never worked for everyone (please take in account the link you see be
2 Added Argument Prayer has never worked for everyone (please take in account the link you see be
-1 Downvoted Argument What do you think of Jesus?
2 Added Argument What do you think of Jesus?
3 Added Argument Religion; Check Mate.
5 Created Debate What do you think of Jesus?
3 Added Argument How awesome is Chuck Norris?
5 Created Debate How awesome is Chuck Norris?
5 Created Debate Religion; Check Mate.
1 Added Argument religious people ruin createdebate
-1 Downvoted Argument The church of Judas
-1 Downvoted Argument The church of Judas
-1 Downvoted Argument The church of Judas
-1 Downvoted Argument The church of Judas
1 Added Argument The church of Judas
5 Created Debate Have you ever realized;
1 Added Argument God is hypocritical!
1 Added Argument Do you believe everything in the Bible is true?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do you believe in the existence of the "Dark-Matter" without a proof?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do you believe in the existence of the "Dark-Matter" without a proof?
2 Added Argument Do you believe in the existence of the "Dark-Matter" without a proof?
3 Added Argument Looks like Micmacmoc is Back
1 Added Argument Should We Pray To Know The Day Of Jesus' Second Coming?
10 Added Argument Does God exists?
1 Added Argument Do God and religion increase moral actions?
1 Added Argument Hitler did nothing wrong.
1 Added Argument Attention! Atheists have been proven wrong. There is truly a god.
-1 Downvoted Argument What makes more sense? Islam or Atheism

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