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English IV

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Hellno's Reward Points: 17724

Points When What Where
6 Added Argument Can liberals be prolife?
5 Created Debate Is Crying Racism the New Calling Wolf?
-1 Downvoted Argument Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life,
-1 Downvoted Argument Do Christians Follow their pope instead of the bible
-1 Downvoted Argument Happy Holidays versus Merry Christmas.
-1 Downvoted Argument Happy Holidays versus Merry Christmas.
5 Added Argument Anyone Tired of Waiting a Half Hour for Your Arguments to Post?
1 Added Argument It's very amusing watching Democrats having their temper tantrums over the people's choice
1 Added Argument Should the use of guns be prohibited in America?
1 Added Argument A boat load of celebrities died this year - were they raptured?
3 Added Argument Anyone Tired of Waiting a Half Hour for Your Arguments to Post?
5 Created Debate Anyone Tired of Waiting a Half Hour for Your Arguments to Post?
4 Added Argument I miss those debaters from the past.... :(
1 Added Argument People on this site are getting less and less active....
2 Added Argument Who here supports gay marriage?
2 Added Argument Merry Christmas to everyone on this debte site.
2 Added Argument Happy Holidays versus Merry Christmas.
1 Added Argument What would you name you child?
2 Added Argument How does Outlaw60 manage to make it to the top of the Leaderboard?
5 Added Argument Say who you do not like here in CreateDebate...
1 Added Argument Who here supports gay marriage?
2 Added Argument Happy Holidays versus Merry Christmas.
1 High Rated Argument Who is Down-Voting Atrag? He's Very Upset. Let's Get to the Bottom of This.
2 Added Argument Who is Down-Voting Atrag? He's Very Upset. Let's Get to the Bottom of This.
5 Created Debate Who is Down-Voting Atrag? He's Very Upset. Let's Get to the Bottom of This.
2 Added Argument Is it morally acceptable to have premarital sex.
2 Added Argument Retard is to disabled people what nigger is to black people.
4 Added Argument Have you noticed how so called tolerant Liberals on this site are most time the bigots?
1 Added Argument Have you noticed how so called tolerant Liberals on this site are most time the bigots?
5 Added Argument I am going to start an ethics series.
1 Added Argument Hillary Clinton Makes History Again!
5 Created Debate Hillary Clinton Makes History Again!
1 Added Argument Did Jesus do anything extraordinary?
1 Added Argument What kind of loving parents would allow their child drugs & sex change ops. on his say so?
2 Added Argument Hillary Clinton says Vladimir Putin has personal beef against her
1 Added Argument Should America allow refugees in, particularly from the Middle East?
-1 Downvoted Argument
5 Added Argument Would you rather be Free or secure?
1 Added Argument Cats or Dogs?
3 Added Argument What are the most useless Christmas gifts?
7 Added Argument Is Arabic a sexy language?
5 Added Argument If God paid the price for our sins, then whom did he pay it to?
1 Added Argument Disambiguation of Intelligent Design.
4 Added Argument If God paid the price for our sins, then whom did he pay it to?
2 Added Argument Elf on the Shelf is an Unwelcome Addition to Christmas
2 Added Argument I hope the Russian hacking investigation goes as well as the recount.
-1 Downvoted Argument Who is Vegan here?
2 Added Argument Amy Schumer still crying over a Trump win
1 Added Argument 5 reasons Hillary Clinton lost the election
1 Added Argument Muslim Teen who claimed Trump Supporters assaulted her arrested for lying
1 Added Argument Should America bring her troops home and have a stronger national defense?
1 Added Argument Dementia has set in for Harry Reid- Russian hacking as big a deal as 9/11
1 Added Argument A USC Professor tries to ban the term Illegal Immigrants from student essays.
2 Added Argument Donald Trump put Merry Christmas on his podium during speech in Wisconsin.
1 Added Argument Is it morally acceptable to have premarital sex.
2 Added Argument FromWithin, SaintNow/NowASaint are the Same Person!
8 Added Argument FromWithin, SaintNow/NowASaint are the Same Person!
1 Added Argument Should prostitution be made legal?
5 Created Debate FromWithin, SaintNow/NowASaint are the Same Person!
-1 Downvoted Argument Can You Edit a Debate You Posted? Or Are You Told Your Debate Already Ended?
-1 Downvoted Argument Here's the Progressive mentality. If the Deplorable's elect trump.....BURN THE FLAG!
1 Added Argument Saved VS Lost
3 Added Argument Who is for smaller government!
1 Added Argument Here is Your Calendar for the Next Six Weeks!
3 Created Debate Here is Your Calendar for the Next Six Weeks!
4 Created Debate Sooooo, What did Trump and Kanye West Talk about in Their Meeting Today?
1 Added Argument chickfila vs mickeyds
1 Added Argument Is it Always Wrong for Men to Hit Women?
2 Added Argument Do you think that "fat" women should be able to model?
2 Added Argument Can You Edit a Debate You Posted? Or Are You Told Your Debate Already Ended?
3 Added Argument Can You Edit a Debate You Posted? Or Are You Told Your Debate Already Ended?
5 Created Debate Can You Edit a Debate You Posted? Or Are You Told Your Debate Already Ended?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is the eating of dog immoral and should there be a crack-down on the Yulin Festival?
1 Added Argument Constitutional Monarchy
10 Added Argument Is Arabic a sexy language?
5 Added Argument Is the eating of dog immoral and should there be a crack-down on the Yulin Festival?
1 Added Argument BREAKING: Donald Trump Wins Wisconsin Again! The Hilldabeast Loses Again
3 Created Debate BREAKING: Donald Trump Wins Wisconsin Again! The Hilldabeast Loses Again
2 Added Argument Finally - the real reason liberals do not understand Trump.
2 Added Argument Is there a Difference Between a Lie and an Untruth?
5 Created Debate Is there a Difference Between a Lie and an Untruth?
2 Added Argument Should we have to hide our religon everywhere but home?
2 Added Argument Progressives would have us strapped in our chair forcing us to listen to their rhetoric.
1 Added Argument What is the best Christmas movie?
1 Added Argument What is the best Christmas?
1 Added Argument Who's excited for CHRISTMAS!!
1 Added Argument Are you for gay marriage?
1 Added Argument Choose which one is better... Give a proper response plz
2 Added Argument Who is Vegan here?
1 Added Argument Who's excited for CHRISTMAS!!
1 Added Argument Is this CreateDebate website just for people who want to fight for points??
3 Added Argument I think I'm being followed on social media - should I be paranoid?
1 Added Argument What do you guys think of the cabinet picks overall so far?
4 Added Argument This is a must watch. Especially if you think you might be an atheist.
1 Added Argument In defence of family, should homework be exceptional?
1 Added Argument Old people are evil!

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