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English IV

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MBurke12's Reward Points: 81

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument My financial stimulus package? Legalize weed!
1 Added Argument Should 7th grade students be allowed to use this web site?
3 Added Argument We must stop Global warming
2 Added Argument Do you like Lil Wayne?
1 Added Argument Should guns be banned in America?
1 Added Argument Faith Race
1 Added Argument What gift would give to your valintine?
1 Added Argument Why is the resteraunt I work at packed if were in a recession?
2 Added Argument Would you sooner let your faith rest with science or God?
1 Added Argument Which is the bigger world issue?
1 Added Argument Are guns fun?
1 Added Argument Which was worse about the Abu Ghraib incident?
2 Added Argument What would the world be like without alcohol?
1 Added Argument Is Obama going to be our first marijuana president?
1 Added Argument Would the world be better without TAX & paying for stuff?
2 Added Argument Would the world be better withour religion?
1 Added Argument Are guns fun?
0 Added Argument What's your favorite Halloween candy?
1 Added Argument Is it fair or racist to say that Obama was a
1 Added Argument What reasons do we have to stay in Iraq?
5 Created Debate When all you Obama supporters want "change", what do you exactly mean?
1 Added Argument Who has more experience?
1 Added Argument Barack Obama on Religion
2 Added Argument Teens on the The 2008 Presidential Election
1 Added Argument Wouldn't God Want Universal Health Care?
3 Created Debate Do you feel the Obama campaign is too media-hyped?

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