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English IV

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ScoobyDoo's Reward Points: 71

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Why is it okay for people to attack conservatives but not liberals?
1 Added Argument Would the world be better withour religion?
1 Added Argument Should Hillary Clinton become Secretary of State or stay in the Senate?
1 Added Argument If we are living in exponential times, what is the end game?
1 High Rated Argument Matt Damon's take on Sarah Palin
1 Added Argument Matt Damon's take on Sarah Palin
1 Added Argument How Is John McCain's Affair Different from John Edwards'?
1 Added Argument How Is John McCain's Affair Different from John Edwards'?
1 Added Argument Has your thoughts on the Catholicism changed since The DaVinci Code came out??
1 Added Argument Which 2008 Olympic Sport is the Most Awesome
1 Added Argument What is the Difference Between Morals and Ethics?
1 Added Argument Should the US remove the ban on offshore drilling?

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