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English IV

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racerecon70's Reward Points: 98

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument We can survive without the sun
1 Added Argument When is the fetus considered human?
-1 Downvoted Argument If you had only one choice to have a heart or a brain, what would you choose?
1 Added Argument If you had only one choice to have a heart or a brain, what would you choose?
1 Added Argument My Picture?
5 Created Debate If you had only one choice to have a heart or a brain, what would you choose?
1 Added Argument Which is more important, imagination or knowledge?
3 Added Argument Should we save Earth's resources so we can get Earth ready for the future genera
5 Created Debate Should we save Earth's resources so we can get Earth ready for the future genera
1 Added Argument Writing Hw or Online Hw
2 Added Argument If the Earth continues like this,will The Earth be doomed?
1 Added Argument If the Earth continues like this,will The Earth be doomed?
5 Created Debate If the Earth continues like this,will The Earth be doomed?
-1 Downvoted Argument MacBook Pro vs MacBook Air
-1 Downvoted Argument MacBook Pro vs MacBook Air
-1 Downvoted Argument MacBook Pro vs MacBook Air
-1 Downvoted Argument MacBook Pro vs MacBook Air
1 Added Argument MacBook Pro vs MacBook Air
1 Added Argument Create Debate Quiz!
1 Added Argument Which is a better gaming company?
1 Added Argument Are teenagers today more knowledgeable than their parents?
1 Added Argument Iphone vs Samsung
1 Added Argument Iphone vs Samsung
1 Added Argument Create Debate Quiz!
1 Added Argument Computers better than minds
1 Added Argument Should kids have to play sports?
0 Added Argument Is the Singapore Government fair? (PAP controlled)
3 Added Argument Should we have social media sites at all?
1 Added Argument Samsung S3 LTE vs iPhone 5
1 Added Argument Apple vs Samsung.
1 Added Argument Is it my fault
5 Created Debate Should we have social media sites at all?
1 Added Argument Is there, or will there be, any new music?
1 Added Argument Cyberbullying online has actually killed a lot of people
2 Added Argument Are there more fat people in Singapore nowadays.
1 Added Argument Should We Dump our Trash into Space?
1 Added Argument Why are you here?
0 Created Debate Is the Singapore Government fair? (PAP controlled)
2 Added Argument Cyberbullying online has actually killed a lot of people
2 Added Argument Should suicide be legalized?
1 Added Argument Is the Singapore Tax System fair?
1 Added Argument Is the Singapore Tax System fair?
-1 Downvoted Argument MacBook Pro vs MacBook Air
5 Added Argument MacBook Pro vs MacBook Air

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