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English IV

Garza's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Garza's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I know this is a process that is going to take time. Its not like they can jus pull them out all at once, but they do need to pull them out as soon as possible because there is no improvement and our troops are jus being killed.

2 points

Yes, I think by what they wear you can tell a lot about a person. Like if they wear all black most of the time they are gothic. It may not tell the whole truth about the person but it give you an idea about their personality.

1 point

No, because church is the one place people go to get away from everything. If the gov. gets involved it will be just like any other place.

1 point

Yes developed countries should force developing countries to protect the environment.

1 point

It is better to be loved, because if people love you then you will be happy. You will have more friends and they will be there for you through thick and thin.

1 point

The government should not provide free college tuition to all citizens, because everyone needs to work for it by either filling out an application or writting an essay.

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