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English IV

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Debate Score:79
Total Votes:82
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Should the government provide free college tuition for all citizens?


Side Score: 46
Winning Side!


Side Score: 33
2 points

alot of people that want to attend college just dont have the money to pay their tuition. like me...I get paid minimum wage and i have other things to pay also.

Side: yes
wilrivero(9) Disputed
1 point

thats what college loans and finacial aid is for. the economy is already bad, and this would make it worse. and plus, not everybody was ment to go to college.this would ruin the purpose of going to college. dont people go to college so they can make more money in the future and get a good job? with this, everybody would want to go to college,making it harder for you to get a job when you graduate cause there would be more to choose from.Might as well not go to college and get 4 years of work experiance instead.

Side: No
2 points

yes because if the government pays the tuition more people would go to college because they won't have to worry about wasting or loosing their money in case they decide to quit, because many people don't go because they they think that they are not smart enought to make it thru and that they are wasting money and loosing time and if they know that is free I think that there would be more people interested in taking a try..

Side: yes
2 points

i think they should but just to the students who have good greades and really want to go to college, because if they give you the money to go to college but your just going to be with your friends your going to keep students who really need the money from going to college!

Side: yes
2 points

they should so it can be fairrr ya know.. and maybe if they di this everybody might go to college because they know that got free college tuition.

Side: yes
2 points

Yes i think the government should pay for college. But, only to those who will pass the classes and want to go. If it is free poeple that dont really want to go will go and are just going to waste the professor time and the governments money.

Side: yes
2 points

people r so selfish if they picked no because they only think about their nerdy, stupid selves.

they should give other people chances to go to college because some people cant afford it but they really want to reach their goal...ow well whatever :p

Side: yes
2 points

well, get fired up..

everybody just say yes and let all this stupid people and their lazyy butts to have their free college tuitions

Side: yes
1 point

Everyone needs a good education. And if a person is willing to go to college money should not hold them back from going, so the government should pay for it.

Side: yes
1 point

everybody deserves a chance to better themselves and not being able to pay for it stops alot of people from doing that.

Side: yes
1 point

i agree with ya sistahh! :) Lol. But wilson makes a point in a way but they should make exceptions for some people.

Side: yes
1 point

If the government would give free college tuition there should be certain standards in order to recieve this privelege. A student who barely passed hs or had low grades shoulnt be given that right.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes, because not every one can afford college and not every one is able to get a scholarship and the free college tuition would help all those citizens who can't afford college, those who can't get a scholarship, and those who really want to go to a university and not just to a community college. If there is free college tuition for all citizens, there would be more citizens with carreers and better jobs and it would help the nation.

Side: yes
1 point

because some people can not afford to go to college...everyone should be able to school

Side: yes
1 point

hounestly i think so beause not every one can afford it also some people can get loans or aid with it and then what we dont get to go to school and then what were stuck as minimum wage workers doing nothing in life! I mean im tierd and dont want to flip burgers the rest of my life! Think about it you went to collage got your education and became a teacher but imagin not being able to go were would you be! Yay thats what i thought!

Side: yes
1 point

Yes because some people may not be as fortunate as others. Everyone should be able to go to college, therefore the government should provide free tuition because if someone is willing to work hard to go to college then they deserve it to go. :)

Side: yes
1 point

yes because many people dont have enough money to go to college, but this would help a lot of people out. Its not like everyone would still want to go to college so its not like the goverments going to have to give it it everyone.

Side: yes
1 point

yes, cause i think we should'nt be paying for college to get a education everyone wants to have a free education.

Side: yes
1 point

there is alot of people that cant go to the college because they are in economic situation that cant support studies and they dicide to work and all their dreams dont come true that that is way goverment should provide free college tuition for all citizens

Side: yes
1 point

i think they should because all us citizens deserve to get a free education just like they do in elementary through high school. Most people cant even afford the tuition anyway.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes the government should provide free college tuition for all citizens. this would give an opportunity to more people.

Side: yes
1 point

yes cause they should give everyone a chance not everyone has money to pay for it

Side: yes
1 point

Because some people dont have the money for it and what happens then. Are the kids going to have to work and then go to college or play sports to get scholarship

Side: yes
1 point

Yes because all citizens can't afford a tuition and everybody isn't going to college but for all people who want to go to college they should have that oppurtunity.

Side: yes
1 point

Everyone needs a good education. And if a person is willing to go to college money should not hold them back from going, so the governmentshould pay for it.

Side: yes
1 point

i think money shouldnt be the reason sombody cant be what they want. with that being said school should be free through out college like it is when your in high school =)

Side: yes
1 point

yes, i personally think that if the goverment provide free college tuition for all citizens, all the students could have the oportunity to study and to be a better person, because i think that many students don't go to the college because they don't have enough money and for that reason is that many student now are working and leaving without dreams.

Side: yes
1 point


Side: yes
1 point

i chose yes because if the government provide free college tuition for all citienz then everybody will have the opportunity to go to college especially most poor people who could not afford it and all so the only thing they can worry about is how to pay car and house bills and also if college tuition was free then for all i think the world would be a better place than it is now.

Side: yes
1 point

i think the government should give free college tuition beacause , many people want to go to college to get a good education to have a better future for them selves, but the only thing stopping them from getting a education is not having money to go to college

Side: yes
1 point

Yes! There are many people in the world that cannot afford college and it would give others a chance to attempt college and their goals. If the goverment can provide the free college then the future will be more successful and give others less stress about scholarships and loans.

Side: yes
1 point

yes, because alot of people want to go to collage but they dont have the money for it. And so they dont go and thats why alot of peole work in fastfood restaurants. but if they go to collage they could have better jobs, and earn more money and have more oppertunities.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes because we are already paying through out our all the schooling we are in. So we should get to go for free because we are going to learn something that is going to help the world in some way we should not pay to learn because we have already done that. Also college student are already in debt.

Side: yes
1 point

i think the goverment should provide free collage tuition for all citizens because every body has the apportunity to be some body in life and some dont have the money to go thats why they just finish high school and they stop studying and theirs only a few people with desent jobs.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes because not everyone has enough money and it gives everyone equal opportunity and a chance to better themselves in life

Side: yes
1 point

cause not everyone has money for college. and that would give everyone a chance at a great future.

Side: yes
1 point

I just clicked "yes" for the heck of it, i don't really care how this country ends up

Side: yes
1 point

I think college should be free for everyone. If knowledge was free then everyone would recieve it, besides those few who dont want it. But if everyone is well educated then i think the world would be better as a whole.

Side: yes
-1 points

the government should provide free college but only for students who are on the top 20 percent of the class! you should also be involed in sports and stuco.

Side: yes
cosdouglas(1) Disputed
1 point

I do not support the thought of the government giving all citizens a paid in full ride for any college tuition. Because as someone else mentioned people would take advantage of that. People would probably go to any college of choice and flunk and and not care at all because it was free to them. I think the government should find the people in need of this opportuinity. And find the people that have been trying to apply and that cant afford it and that want to be someone importnt to the society.!!!!

Side: No
3 points

i dont think that the government should provide free college tuition for ALL citizens. Just to those who actually need it. Because people who have the money want to take advantage of free money to just party and not go because they say " i didnt pay for it so i dont care"

they should give it to the citizens who cant afford it. and actually know who want to make something of themselves.

Side: No
1 point

a lot of people have enough of money. so i don't think they are going to need help from the govenment.

Side: No
1 point

There should not be free college because then pepole would go and blow off school sence its free and waist money thus increasing the national debt. Pepole would be going to free college to party.I would. Sounds like a huge waste to me.

Side: No
1 point

no!thats what college loans and finacial aid is for. the economy is already bad, and this would make it worse. and plus, not everybody was ment to go to college.this would ruin the purpose of going to college. dont people go to college so they can make more money in the future and get a good job? with this, everybody would want to go to college,making it harder for you to get a job when you graduate cause there would be more to choose from.Might as well not go to college and get 4 years of work experiance instead

Side: No
1 point

No because with the government handing out free things there's always some kind of catch or strings attached. And these days you can't truely trust the government.

Side: No
1 point

Because Zach told that we cant trust the Government. And why just the citizens how about the people that arent citizens.

Side: No
1 point

the tax payers will get the bill and college is where a lot of money is spent

Side: No
1 point

No there shouldn't be free college tuition for all citizens. Don't get me wrong. I'm not rich I want free college tuition but if there was free college tuition everybody with have a "high" education. So if everyone is qualified for a good job who will take the low-paying jobs? The tuition would waste colleges time because if there was a free tuition than people that aren't even that interested would go to college. They Fail and waste the goverments money. It's not fair that two people, one hard-working and one lazy, have the same education.

-Eric L.

Side: No
1 point

ok the government is controlling most of the economy khdsfncnv cnbvv jld lv

Side: No
1 point

The government should not provide free college tuition for all citzens because i think that if you pay for it than you will take the advantage and want to learn instead of the tuition being free then you wouldnt take it seriously!

thank you, thank you, dont clap , oh stop it!!!


Side: yes
1 point

The government should not provide free college tuition to all citizens, because everyone needs to work for it by either filling out an application or writting an essay.

Side: No
1 point

I dont think the government should provide free college tuition for all students because by providing free tuition will only greater deflate our economy which is already leading to another Great Depression. Although many citizens decide to not go to college because of the expenses, the government already provides enough grants and scholarships to help pay for their education, and if students are really serious about their education then they would strive go recieve the scholarships and grants.

Side: No
1 point

I don't think that the government should provide free tuition because if the government give free tuition then everyone is gonna graduated as a consequence there are gonna be a lot of unemployed people which is gonna affect our economy .

But, I think that the government should give more scholarships because scholarships help people who are capable of study and do not have a lot of money to do it.

Side: No
1 point

I don't think that the government should provide free tuition because if the government give free tuition then everyone is gonna graduated as a consequence there are gonna be a lot of unemployed people which is gonna affect our economy .

But, I think that the government should give more scholarships because scholarships help people who are capable of study and do not have a lot of money to do it.

Side: yes
1 point

I think that they shouldnt because then it would be over crouded in the class rooms and some of the kids when only want to go to try and be cool.

Side: No
1 point

I do not believe that the government should provide free college tutition for all citizen. People should be able to earn their own money for college. You should be able to work for your education, that way when you get your education you know that you really deserved it because you worked for it. Having the strength to get your own education can really inspire people to do their best. If the government just gave citizens free college tution then the students will not try as hard because it was just handed to them and they did not earn anything so it will not mean as much.

Side: No
1 point

I like chocolate milk.


Side: No
1 point

Yeah, it wouldn't be good to provide it to EVERYONE. People that don't actually care about college aren't going to give it their fullest. They're going to party and blow off everything; it would be a waste of goverment money for people that aren't going to take it seriously.

Side: No
1 point

No, the government should only provide free tuition for those who can't afford to pay for it.

Side: No
1 point

hell mofoin naw bluhh that would be to much of our money going to parties binge drinkin and illegal substances

Side: No
BenDover(5) Disputed
1 point

Suuuuuuuuck iiiiiit! (I gotta write over fifty characters so..)

Side: yes
alphaQup(9) Disputed
1 point

chill out ottmar. you preachin an shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii oh and erick wants you to suck it for some odd reason

Side: No
1 point

I don't think the goverment should provide FREE tuition, because if the goverment starts providind free tuition everyone would take advantage of the he oportunity. Also fit wouldn't be fair for the people who work hard to get it. I think the goverment should give free tuition to pleople that are going to work hard on it not to those that just want to get it cause is free.

Side: No
1 point

i think no because I dont tinnk it would be fair to let the people that work really hard to get somewhere and people who dont do anything to have the same opportunity as the people who do work hard. I dont think it will ever get like that and it shouldnt.

Side: No
1 point

Personally i don't think that the government should provide free college for all citizens because the people who have the money would just be wasting it on other not important things. I think the government should just provide free college tuition for only people who really need it.

Side: No
1 point

Nah bro, can't do that. As much as it would help me, it wouldn't be such a good idea. There would be so many people graduating which would mean much less jobs. What would be the point in going if you have no sure job after those four years?

Side: No
1 point

Free tuition would completely ruin the college system. Scholarships, grants, the SAT, and other reasons that students work hard in school would lose importance due to guarenteed access to higher education. Society would become lazy and igorant because there would be no reason to challenge yourself, or prove your worth.

Side: No
1 point

hell nah coy dat shiz aint cool. just aint. the world needs people that will do stuff to get money for college like work to work to pay for college or go to the armed forces to get money for college.

Side: No
1 point

I think the education is very important for every citizen, but I believe there are people that really has to earn a college or something, instead there are citizens who have more conveniences, so if given the payment of school free for all, would be a useless expense, and yet many people would not study for lack of economic resources. Besides the government would not have a very favorable economic status for the country, having to give everything free.

I therefore believe that the government help citizens including immigrants with low incomes to get a free college tuition.

Side: yes
1 point

I do not think that the goverment should pay for everyone's tuition. The money that the school gets from us the people provide better education for; books, decorating, having fun, Awesome food, and the professors pay checks. These professors work there whole lives learning and it's nice of them to share there knowledge with us. If the goverement pays for our colleges the United States will get even more broke than before. I do think some people should get full ride though especially, the people who have hard lives or do not, but they desire there whole lives to go, and work to there best ability knowing that maybe there excllence will pay off. Those who work hard deserves a reward for there high grades in school, the ability to help people, and at the same time having a job to earn extra cash or support family. If the goverment pays for school, the kids will be, like in High School where they don't give a care in the world they will be wasting money. When they make us pay it makes us work harder knowing it's our money. If we want a good living it is our choice it is letting us know how the real world is.

Side: No