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English IV

Keke101's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Keke101's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I believe the USA and its allies should leave Iraq because there is no point for us to be there. We are steadily losing our men, husbands, brothers and family for this pointless war. There is no one there for us to be looking for. Not only that but gas is rising becdause of this and it makes no sense. People are constanly getting hurt because our family is dieing with no cause.

1 point

No i do not believe the government should have the right to monitor supicious individuals. i do not believe this because everyone has the right to their own privacy. every citizen of america has the right as everyone else so to monitor would be taking away theor amenments.

1 point

Yes it does because people like to express themselves by what they wear. What a person wears can express many things about them. A persons clothes can show what their favorite color is or maybe their favorite name brand clothes. It can also show what kind of mood their in that day. A persons clothes can really show who a person is.

2 points

I do not think that facial piercings should be banned from schools. Piercings are a right of the individual to express themselves in their own way. Schools should not be able to take away our right of freedom and expresion. This is a way for us to be seperate from every body else and have our own identity.

1 point

I believe its better to be loved than fear beacause people will show you respect and listen to you when you have something to say. Also being loved by someone can really change somebody for the better or help them out when they feel no one is there for them.

1 point

I do not believe that the government should provide free college tutition for all citizen. People should be able to earn their own money for college. You should be able to work for your education, that way when you get your education you know that you really deserved it because you worked for it. Having the strength to get your own education can really inspire people to do their best. If the government just gave citizens free college tution then the students will not try as hard because it was just handed to them and they did not earn anything so it will not mean as much.

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