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English IV

Oscrosales's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Oscrosales's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I believe that how a person carries their image will deffinately give away their personality. If a person wears really relaxed clothes, old and outdated styles, and really doesn't follow the current "in" style, this tells the people who see that person that, obviously, they are really laid back and don't fall into the influence of everyone else. Those who wear fresh shoes, new styles constantly, are more devoted to looking good and making sure they look normal and not out of place. A person who wears a business suit will most likely act proffesional.

1 point

I personally don't think that developed countries should force developing countries to protect their own land. This is a hypocritical move on the part of the developed countries. The nations that are hoping to become more urbanized and better their living conditions cannot do so when they are restricted from using their own land, selling their natural resources and fully taking advantage of their land's goods. If the dominating countries would have been obligated to do the same... they would have never reached their height in power, so why put a cap on how strong another nation can grow? The more powerful a nation, the better their citizens can live, the better they live... the more human lives are saved.

1 point

Both options have their benefits of course, but the way I see it is, if I am wealthy... why in the world care about what ANYONE else thinks about me? I've made it, I have loads of money don't I? All that people strive for in their lives is to be succesful and reach the point of self reliance, where they can support themselves properly and also own as much of anything as possible. Once a person reaches that... there's not much else to ask for in life. Respect is nice, but money is good livin'... Living is a need, respect is simply a disire.

1 point

In my view, being loved would be best. Fear is caused by malicious people who have obvious intents of hurting people. Why would anybody want that sort of rancor hanging over their heads? Burdening people and suppressing them under a blanket of fear is the cheap and easy way out of smuggling respect. By doing so, yes, people will obey you but the willingness will be so down that the effort applied will be sluggish and spiteful. Where as if you are loved, the people you encouter will happily do anything to help you and your cause.

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