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English IV

Pichiche10's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Pichiche10's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

yes, they should withdraw their forces from iraq because we have been there for along time without solving anything, so why keep our soldiers there. so they should come home already and take care of our own problems here.

1 point

i think they should because that way we could find out before they do something bad to the country or if someone is planing to attack a building like 9/11 we could stop them before so inocent people wouldnt die.

1 point

i think it does because how you dress spresses what kind of person you are, it also tells alot about your personality and how you act around people.

1 point

no because, every person should have the right to choose what religion they want to follow, because some people have their own believe ex: the goverment shouldnt have the right to make a muslim person to have to change their religion to christian or catholic.

1 point

No because every person should have the right to decide what religion they want to be and do what they want to do in their church.

1 point

no, because if they do, that would be privating you from been your self, and thats what your supposed to do and not act just to please others.

1 point

I dont think they should force them instead they should help them to make their country safer and cleaner so they could protect the environment, but yeah they shouldnt force them they should help them.

1 point

i think its better to be loved because that way people care about you and they just dont talk to you because they want to be your friend so you wont hurt them but because they care about you!!

2 points

i think they should but just to the students who have good greades and really want to go to college, because if they give you the money to go to college but your just going to be with your friends your going to keep students who really need the money from going to college!

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