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English IV

Wilrivero's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

no because they need to finish up there. they should slowly be pulling out, and keep a base there or else what we started would be for nothing.

1 point

yeah... i mean they already do right..and it works.. thats how the stoped those 2 terrorist attacks. like that one that almost happend here in dallas and that other one somewhere else the same day

1 point

yes and no..sometimes people express them selves through the clothes they where. but sometimes people just throw something on. but i guess when ur tryin to look good,you where something you think you look good in. i dont know if that really expresses them though.i really dont know

1 point

no, cause the government shouldnt have control over any religon. espescaily here. its a free country. so yeah, i dont know what else to say. this aint iraq ! haha

1 point

i'd have to say no, but i can make an exception for those little dimond stud nose piercings. all the rest of that stuff should just stay banned. to me it's just kind of trashy. thats not the way you wanna present your self in public..its just ehhh. only thing that should be pierced is your ears, and an exception for belly buttons and nose piercings. the rest is trash

1 point

i'd have to say no, but i can make an exception for those little dimond stud nose piercings. all the rest of that stuff should just stay banned. to me it's just kind of trashy. thats not the way you wanna present your self in public..its just ehhh. only thing that should be pierced is your ears, and an exception for belly buttons and nose piercings. the rest is trash

1 point

yes,because they need that environment to be all good if they want to be a good country. everybody should protect there environment cuz that there home.keep your home clean right?


1 point

no!thats what college loans and finacial aid is for. the economy is already bad, and this would make it worse. and plus, not everybody was ment to go to college.this would ruin the purpose of going to college. dont people go to college so they can make more money in the future and get a good job? with this, everybody would want to go to college,making it harder for you to get a job when you graduate cause there would be more to choose from.Might as well not go to college and get 4 years of work experiance instead

1 point

thats what college loans and finacial aid is for. the economy is already bad, and this would make it worse. and plus, not everybody was ment to go to college.this would ruin the purpose of going to college. dont people go to college so they can make more money in the future and get a good job? with this, everybody would want to go to college,making it harder for you to get a job when you graduate cause there would be more to choose from.Might as well not go to college and get 4 years of work experiance instead.

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