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RSS AllisonW

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

i think so because it's always nice to be safe. but they should only do it if they have hard evidence that looks suspicious.

1 point

a person dresses on how they feel and also show their sence of style and personality. if a girl feels crappy then they are going to wear loose clothing to give them room to breath. granted they'll still dress to their own style to show their own personality, but you will still be able to know how they feel on the outside.

1 point

no because that would be disobeying the bill of rights. FREEDOM OF RELIGION!!!!!!

1 point

i think yes because really everyone needs to pitch in on helping the environment. the smallest effort counts.

1 point

because i think that if you're wealthy people will respect you because in the end everyone cares about who has the most money and how they can get it from the other person.

1 point

i don't think the government should should give every citizen free college tuition because the government will go broke. we're already in billions of dollors of debt for other contries that has been going on for over thirty years. if we give money to everyone then they're wont be enough money circulation, paying off debt, and we wont have any back-up money for emergencys like 9-11.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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