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RSS Loramerson

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

I feel that they should leave and let thier country be. It is their country and no one wants to change over there. There is alot of men dying daily. I feel the rest of the men there shall leave. If we do get attack if we leave we will be more on guard. We could protect our country better from them and track them down making sure there is no threat.

1 point

I believe that the goverment should. The reason I believe so is what about someone was a bad guy. I would rather be safe then sorry. If someone was hiding something they can get caught because most records are clean.

1 point

I do not think that the goverment should have control of the church. The Goverment has different beliefs. I think that if they control we the people won't have a choice which religion and what happen to freedom of speech.

1 point

I do not think we should force. I think it all about what they think is best or maybe have a wise discussion or something. I think it is what the people want and not the goverment. Who ever buys the land should do what ever they want with their land. It would be nice though if they did try to save the enviorment and help animals.

1 point

I feel that it is better to feel loved then feared, because you will end up having more people who has your back. They will always be there for you. If they are feared, then they would do what you said, because they are afraid. If they do it with love then, it has more meaning and they know that your a loyal friend.

1 point

I do not think that the goverment should pay for everyone's tuition. The money that the school gets from us the people provide better education for; books, decorating, having fun, Awesome food, and the professors pay checks. These professors work there whole lives learning and it's nice of them to share there knowledge with us. If the goverement pays for our colleges the United States will get even more broke than before. I do think some people should get full ride though especially, the people who have hard lives or do not, but they desire there whole lives to go, and work to there best ability knowing that maybe there excllence will pay off. Those who work hard deserves a reward for there high grades in school, the ability to help people, and at the same time having a job to earn extra cash or support family. If the goverment pays for school, the kids will be, like in High School where they don't give a care in the world they will be wasting money. When they make us pay it makes us work harder knowing it's our money. If we want a good living it is our choice it is letting us know how the real world is.

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