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English IV

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Loved Feared
Debate Score:42
Total Votes:42
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 Loved (36)
 Feared (3)

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Is it Better to be Loved or Feared?


Side Score: 36
Winning Side!


Side Score: 6
1 point

I think it will be better to be loved than feared , because everybody will love because they love , but if you are feared everybody will "pretend" to love you because they fear you because you have some kind of power , and whenever this power goes they will start to hate you ,(Think about your maneger )

Side: Loved
1 point

It is better to be loved, because if people love you then you will be happy. You will have more friends and they will be there for you through thick and thin.

Side: Loved
1 point

I think it is better to be loved because you would be respected and people would listen to and consider your opinions rather than being feared, when most likely in the long run, the people will oppose and revolt againgst the one being feared

Side: Loved
1 point

I believe its better to be loved than fear beacause people will show you respect and listen to you when you have something to say. Also being loved by someone can really change somebody for the better or help them out when they feel no one is there for them.

Side: Loved
1 point

It is better to be loved because more people will care about you and have more sensitive feelings towards you. Being feared will cause you to have anxious and paranoid feelings because of the situation you might be experiencing. Many people get marry because they love their mate and not fear them. Being feared may cause other people to think that you are a weak one and the one who can be bullied. It does not encourages you to be more social and outgoing if you are being feared by others.

Side: Loved
1 point

I say Loved because your happier and you feel better about your self then being feared.

Side: Loved
1 point

i think its better to be loved because that way people care about you and they just dont talk to you because they want to be your friend so you wont hurt them but because they care about you!!

Side: Loved
1 point

I'd say love; everyone needs love. Deny it all you want. Being feared, you will end up alone. Everyone says they're "ONE DEEP" that's a lie. Being loved is a good thing, no matter how bad you think you are. There's always that ONE person you want to be able to rely on.

Side: Loved
1 point

i think its better to be loved than feared because, if you are loved you will be happy and you will always have some one, you will always have trust from somebody.

Side: Loved
1 point

It's better to be loved, because if you are loved your life is better.

Side: Loved
1 point

Its better to feel loved because it feels better to have people around you then away from you. If you are lonley then u feel sad and depressed..

Side: Loved
1 point

For me it is better to be loved, because I think that is how people remember more and you can t make new friends and have more opportunities to be feared that, if someone is afraid to see or something you end up staying alone.

Side: Loved
1 point

I feel that it is better to feel loved then feared, because you will end up having more people who has your back. They will always be there for you. If they are feared, then they would do what you said, because they are afraid. If they do it with love then, it has more meaning and they know that your a loyal friend.

Side: Loved
1 point

Its better to love because it makes things truethful

and feared jux makes people say wat you want to hear to get on your good side.

Side: Loved
1 point

i think its better to be loved than feared cause people will come closer to you if you are nice and rentern that love back.

Side: Loved
1 point

I think its better to be loved, because people give you more respect as a person if they love you. But when your feared by people they wont be around you or trust you.

Side: Loved
1 point

i think is better to be loved then fear beacause if everyone loves you are happy and you will have friends anf if they fear you they will be to scared to be your friend or probably they have to be your friend since they scared.

Side: Loved
1 point

its better to be loved. i think that apart of love is admeration. people look up to you and aspire to be like you in someway. i think everyone desires to be admired whether they admit it or not. if someone is feared people are scared that they will react in a negative way or leash something bad if someone does something wrong to them. and no one likes a crazy! :)

Side: Loved
1 point

It's better to be loved because than you will be a caring and loving person. People will love to be around you and spend time with you. You have to be loved to be able to love people also, if you are neglected you wouldn't care about anyone or anything. If you are feared people won't like you, they'll run away from you because they fear you. Why would you wanna be feared? Being a bully might be cool at the moment but there will always be someone who is bigger than you and you will fear them, so might as well love so people can love u and defend you in return.

Side: Loved
1 point

Its better to be loved....some people think that when your feared your respected which isn't the case it just means your scary. However when your loved it most likely means your a joy to be around and your peers like you because of you and not because you scare them.

Side: Loved
1 point

I say loved is the way to go. it gives you a better feeling knowing that people around you care about you and consider you as a wanted person among society. Fear some would say they like that feeling of being on top but then again most likely that person is lonely and wishes inside 1 individual would care about his existence. It feels great knowing that people are scared at the sight of your presence but it feels better knowing people WANT to be near you

Side: Loved
1 point

In my view, being loved would be best. Fear is caused by malicious people who have obvious intents of hurting people. Why would anybody want that sort of rancor hanging over their heads? Burdening people and suppressing them under a blanket of fear is the cheap and easy way out of smuggling respect. By doing so, yes, people will obey you but the willingness will be so down that the effort applied will be sluggish and spiteful. Where as if you are loved, the people you encouter will happily do anything to help you and your cause.

Side: Loved
1 point

Being loved is preferable to being feared. Love has the power to nurture, support and ultimately, liberate. Love will make people join together; Fear restricts, denies and imprisons. Fear will create enimity, jealousy and vengeance in the minds of others. Personal growth and human achievement thrive on love, while fear hampers and destroys potential. Yet there are some in positions of authority who would disagree, believing that fear achieves more.

Side: Loved
1 point

its better to be loved then feared because if you are being feared, people will only pretend to love you, no matter how people say that "they dont care" or still need love..even from ya momma :D

Side: Loved
1 point

i would rather be loved than feared. cause love can give you so much more things sometimes. but being feared and can give you love but a different kind of love, the people would have to be forced to love you. being loved would be better cause people would want to give without worrying about getting slapped in the face or something.

Side: Loved
1 point

It is better to be loved. Being loved shows that people care about you and simply love you.

Side: Loved
1 point

I think that it's better to be loved because if you are feared nobody will want to be your friend. Of course you will get some respect but everybody will be too afraid to even talk to you.

Side: Loved
1 point

I think it is better to be loved because if you're loved then more people would want to be around you and more people would like you. Like, if you're a loved leader then you would probably rule longer than if you were feared because no one would want to overrule you.

Side: Loved
1 point

It's better to be loved than feared because love is pure and if someone really loves you, he or she will never hurt you. Love only wishes the best not the worse. On the other hand, when you fear someone, you only wish the worse for that person; you want her or him to desappear or go away because you want to feel free from that fear. I dont love what I fear, I just feel like avoiding it and be as far away as possible.

Side: Loved
1 point

Loved because everyone needs to feel loved at one point in life even if we say we don't need it its not true.

Side: Loved
1 point

i think its better to be loved just because you will have more respect to yourself and to people. you will be more happy than you ever been if you were loved than feared. If people feared you then you will be a loner and friendless. Being loved is like the best feeling in the world and being feared is the worst feeling ever.

Side: Loved
1 point

i think is better to be loved because if there was more love there would be less hate and more peace.

Side: Loved
1 point

i think is better to loved then feared because love is the most important thing in this world without love noting can be possible because if we dont love each other and we hate ourself the country will not suceed because not body want to talk to each otherperson even it is written in the bible that love each other that is why we need to be loved

Side: Loved
1 point

im living in love lord not in fear

if someone fears you then they'll listen to you like hitler but soon enough they will hate you. but if someone loves you they will listen to you and over time the love grows. getting people to fear you is an escape route for those people who feel no love. even if everyone fears you, god will still love you.

Side: Loved
3 points

If I were feared, everyone in the world would obey my word, and be forced to love me. No one would ever be mean to me, and no body would ever hurt my feelings. Fear is the only guarenteed way to completely control your life and the people around it.

Side: Feared
joeehambe(18) Disputed
1 point

Actually to correct you collin, they only would obey cause they'd be too frightened to do anything about it. You can not and i repeat CANNOT force someone to love you cause to be feared you would also have to have done something to make the person scared of you in the first place so theres no chance in them even liking you. Of course they woulnd't be mean to you.., they would just painly ignore you and at the same time instead of people hurting your feelings you youself our hurting yourself

Side: Loved
2 points

I say its better to be feared, there will be no need for love if im well respected. Wich i already am haha, nah but for real, if your feared you can get what ever you want cause people are scared of you, when your love people take your kindness for granted and make you look like a punk.

you've just been hit with the REAL!!!!!

Side: Feared
joeehambe(18) Disputed
1 point

lol popcorn i just want to add one thing to what you said. " if your feared you can get what ever you want " thats not true ..simply cause you can't be feared and loved at the same time

Side: Loved
1 point

I would rather be feared because love will only get you so far and half the time the people you love are the people who take advantage of you and if people fear you they wouldn't even try that

Side: Feared